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How to Pitch Like a Pro

Marketing your creative business is all about getting your message in front of new users. One dynamite way to do this is to leverage someone else’s audience. Appearing as a guest on a podcast, within a membership or Facebook group, and even guest blogging are all valuable ways to get exposure to new potential clients.

And there’s only one thing standing between you and those eager customers: email.

Send a high-quality pitch email, and you’re in. But a lackluster subject line or boring body copy will probably end up getting you ghosted.

That’s why we created our Pitch Email Template. Using it is like having a copywriting fairy godmother getting you podcast, virtual summit and guest blogging opportunities.

We have seen an insane response from using this pitch email formula (we’re talkin' a 66% response rate and a 50% acceptance rate), and some mega compliments from the people we send it to. Compliments like, "If every podcast inquiry was as good as yours, my life would be so much easier! I'd love to have you on the show."

Press I've Booked Using This Pitch Email

  • The Confetti Hour podcast

  • She Who Dares podcast

  • Aisle Planner

  • Weddings For Real podcast

  • Be Fabbo podcast

  • Book More Weddings Summit

If getting more press mentions is on your goals list for this year, then let's gooooooooo! Grab our Pitch Email Template and get your foot in the door!