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3 Steps to make your website more inclusive

Step 1: Kick tokenism to the curb: It all begins with an authentic intent.

You should be doing DEI (that's diversity, equity and inclusion) work because you genuinely want to create an inclusive client experience so everyone feels seen and heard.

Step 2: Update your words & images.

Go through category by category looking for references to different identities like gender, sexual orientation, race/ethnicity, religion, age, disability, body size, and more, and update your copy to be more inclusive.

Step 3: Accept your responsibility to be an agent of change.

The No. 1 quality you need to be an advocate for diversity, equity and inclusion is bravery.

Privilege is power and each of us has some privilege.

It’s your responsibility to use your power for good and that means making an effort to be an agent of change and transform the wedding industry into a kinder, more welcoming, more inclusive place.

PRO TIP: Building an inclusive business doesn't just impact our clients, but also our employees, contractors and industry peers to show up as their authentic selves.