

Sure, It Sounds Fancy.

But, really, a brand strategy is fundamental. In this done-for-you service, I’ll help you refine what you’re selling, who you’re selling it to, and how you’re selling it — the strategy trifecta you’ll need to rock the rest of your rebrand with confidence and boost your sales. With your brand strategy on lock, your graphic designer, brand photographer, copywriter, and web designer will have everything they need to launch the right offer to the right audience using the right spin in just one week. 

Your Brand Strategy Includes:

  1. A comprehensive written document that will enable your rebrand team to crush your new visuals, copy, and website design

  2. Creation of audience profiles informed by testimonial reviews and client interviews

  3. Refining your offer suite, including writing compelling service descriptions designed to sell

  4. Crafting your brand voice tone and “special sauce” so you know exactly how to communicate what sets you apart

  5. A kickoff call and separate review call to make sure your brand strategy is spot-on

  6. Unlimited revisions during the one-week project term (wowza, that’s fast)

  7. $1,200 off website copywriting if you book within 6 months of receiving your brand strategy


“The special sauce and tone sections … make me feel seen and heard in a powerful way.”

— Michelle the coach

Brand Strategy is for you if...

  • Your service-based business is a few years old. You have a good idea of what’s working in your business, what isn’t, and how you’d like it to change.

  • You’re ready to attract clients who are a better fit — they bring higher levels of trust, pay higher rates, and approach you with projects that fulfill you creatively.

  • You’re spending big bucks on a rebrand (hello brand photography, graphic design, web design, and copywriting) and want to make sure the entire team is working in concert.

  • You’re a “measure twice, cut once” kind of person who wants a plan in place before you spend time or money taking action.

Still Have Questions?

  • You can see the full “what’s included” list above, but the short version is: audience profiles, offer suite analysis, and brand voice strategy.

  • Just one week. We’l kick off on Monday, you’ll have the draft on Wednesday, and we will complete revisions on Thursday and Friday.

  • Yes — I believe brand strategy is so fundamental to successful copywriting that I include it with my signature website copy package. If you decided to complete brand strategy with me first, and later want to add on website copywriting, I’ll credit* the full price of the brand strategy so you’re not paying for it twice.

    *The website copywriting package must be booked within 6 months of completing the brand strategy work to receive the credit. Any longer, and there’s too great of a risk that big things have changed in your business.

  • I doubt that very much, but just in case, that’s exactly why I always include unlimited revisions in all of my projects during the project term. I want you to love every word! Custom work is not eligible for refunds, however.

  • Sure, just email me at

  • Absolutely! Your invoice will be set to a three-month payment plan by default.

“The branding strategy upfront was super helpful. Thanks for making this so much better than where I started.”

— catherine the coach

Plan On Standing Out

Because your competition is definitely skipping this step.