Book More Weddings Summit

It’s been a tough year, y’all. Coronavirus has smashed our industry into itty bitty pieces and left many of us struggling mentally, emotionally, financially… 

So I was pumped to see that Heidi Thompson of Evolve Your Wedding Business was still having her renowned Book More Wedding Summit this year (virtually, of course) and even more pumped when she asked me to be one of her speakers!

This summit is designed exclusively for the wedding industry to teach you how to fill up your calendars and get your marketing done right while things are slow right now. I’ll be one of 26 wedding pro superstars (think Aleya Harris, Renee Dalo and Ashlyn Carter) presenting… can you tell that I’m excited?! 

So, consider this your official invitation to join me at the (virtual) Book More Wedding Summit, hosted September 14 – 18, 2020. 

What Will I Learn at the Book More Weddings Summit?

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For an entire week, the Book More Wedding Summit will share presentations from 26 industry experts (including moi) full of marketing tips to help you book more weddings. The topics span:

  • strategies on how to attract your dream clients

  • booking more weddings without the extra hassle

  • creating a strong social media presence

  • finding the sweet spot in pricing your services

  • And more (22 more, to be exact)

To add a bit more lemon to the mix, I’ll be discussing one of my favorite topics — incorporating inclusive language in your website to attract more diverse couples. And not just diverse couples, but empathetic, socially-conscious, all-around good-human couples, too.

You know I hate fluffy writing, and I feel the same way about fluffy presentations. My lecture is packed full of actionable tips you can walk away from the talk with on the same day. 

I’m talkin’ categories of marginalized groups to consider. 

I’m talkin’ word swaps so you can replace exclusive terms with inclusive ones. 

I’m talkin’ prompts to make you think and dig deep about how you’re making your audience feel on each page. 

Consider this my (in)formal way of inviting you to participate in this cool conference. (One that I’ll be participating in, too, by the way. None of us is perfect — we all have to keep learning!) Here are a few of the presentations I’m most looking forward to because I know these speakers are going to drop some gems: 

  • “Drive More Profit with a Clear Brand Story” by Aleya Haris, Owner of Flourish Marketing.

  • “Check Yes or No – Vetting Couples for the Right Fit” by Amber Anderson, Owner of Heavenly Day Events and Refine

  • “Using Instagram & Facebook Ads to Book More Weddings” by wedding photographer Chip Dizard

  • “Creating Killer Content for Better Traffic: Engagement & Bookings From Your Ideal Clients” by Natasha Johnson, founder of Celebrants Collective.

The best part is that admission is 100% free for those who show up live. 

What if I’m Not Available to Attend Live?

Not free to attend live? No prob — the All-Access Pass is for you. When you buy an All-Access Pass you get lifetime access to all of the summit presentations + worksheets + transcripts + live virtual networking + a boatload of premium resources from each speaker. 

Full transparency here: the price of the All-Access Pass will go up over time. 

Let me break it down for ya: 

  • When you first get your free ticket to the summit, you’ll have 15 minutes to upgrade to the All-Access Pass for $47. That is the lowest the price will ever be. 

  • Through Sept. 13, 2020, passes will cost $67. 

  • The week of the summit, the price goes up to $97. 

  • And after the summit ends until Sept. 25 it’ll cost ya $197 to get the All Access Pass. 

So yeah… if you want an All-Access Pass, you’ll be doing your wallet a favor by upgrading early on. 

Whether you choose to get an All-Access Pass or attend live in person, I can’t wait to see you there!


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