5 Gender-inclusive greetings

If we hear "Hey guys!" one more time, we might puke.

Imagine this: you walk into a room with three women and one man and you greet them with, "Hey ladies!" ⁠

You would never do that. It feels weird. You'd likely think to yourself, "Well, there's a man here. I don't want to make him feel awkward by calling him a lady." ⁠

So why do we do this to women? Especially as women ourselves! Instagram is one of the top places we see this gendered language, and it irks us to no end. ⁠

Please, please, please realize that your words matter, and when you use gendered phrases like "hey guys" you're diminishing the power of women.

Try these gender-inclusive greetings instead:

  • hey everyone⁠

  • hey folks⁠

  • hey friends⁠

  • hey y'all⁠

  • hey hey (my personal favorite)⁠


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