I’m a Tuesdays Together Leader!

Three years ago, when I stared my business, I Googled my little heart out looking for a group that could support me on my new, creative, entrepreneurial journey. I found the Rising Tide Society, and quickly fell in love with their amazing members and free education. I went to meetings in Washington, D.C., Silver Spring, MD, and Charleston, SC. When we moved here to Dallas, TX, the first thing I did as look up the Dallas Tuesdays Together chapter. And after a year of meeting my new Dallas community within the local chapter, the current leader approached me about taking her place.

How could I not say yes?!

So I’m excited to announce that as of June 2021 I’m the new leader of the Dallas Tuesdays Together chapter of the Rising Tide Society. I hope to bring as much enthusiasm and generosity to this role as our past leader, Amber, brought, and maybe even add in some of my own flair.

If you live in Dallas, I’d love to have you join us at our next meeting! You can email me at dallastuesdaystogether@gmail.com for more information, or sign up for our private Facebook group where we post information on all of our events.


The Rising Tide Society Monthly Guide


The Workshop Weekly Podcast