Meet the CEO

I’m Taylor de la Fuente (she/her), and I have a big mouth.

My momma always warned me my big mouth would get me in trouble one day. I guess she was right, if by “trouble” she meant having a successful copywriting business.

I’ve got a big mouth, and I’m not afraid to use it, because I know that words are powerful.

Words can make you disappear in a crowd, or stand out. 
Words can exclude someone, or tell them they’ve found where they belong. 
Words can turn a struggling wedding business into a flourishing one while you sleep (or take time off to be with your new baby, or sunbathe in Maui). 

Words have power and I’m using mine for good, starting by calling out the wedding industry for being unoriginal, inauthentic and exclusive. (Told ya I had a big mouth.)

I know it’s scary being a wedding business boss. You’ve got a million jobs to do, the competition is breathing down your neck, and you feel immense pressure to bring home the bacon. It’s easier to snag a $20 template or blow off your website altogether than invest in copywriting.

But you’ve gotta be brave.

It’s time to stand out and own your awesomeness so couples know you’re the pro they’ve been dreaming of for their big day. And the good news is, it’s easy, because you have me on your team. I can’t wait to to help you tell your amazing story.

Wanna know my credentials? No prob, I appreciate a person who likes to do their research.


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