The Bigmouth Copy Process

What happens when I hire bigmouth copy?

As booked-and-busy wedding bosses, we can collectively agree that sometimes time is not on our sides. While you’re out profiting on your passion, you need at least one piece of your business working for you. Our vote — of course — goes to your website. But what happens next?

Hiring a copywriter is like dancing. It’s a two-party exchange of trust, but one person has to guide you through the song. And while we’d love to be your guide, we know that making the decision to hire a copywriter can be a scary one. So, let us ease some of your apprehensions by guiding you through our process.

Our Process

The prep before the prep

The first part is all about getting to know you (how you talk, how you write, and how you think). To do that, we like to kick-off new partnerships with a little “homework” in the form of a questionnaire. This is the easiest way to help us understand you, your preferences, and your working style. This may inspire some questions you want to ask us, which we’ll discuss during our kick-off call. Remember, dancing is a two-fold exchange. 

As you’re completing your homework, we’re doing a little of our own. Our team will research everything we can about you. All that you’ve written, and all that’s written about you, are essential to helping us adapt to your writing style and identify other opportunities to help your brand shine. We’ll discuss our collective homework during our first (virtual) meeting, or kick-off call. 

The “Kick-Off” call...what’s that exactly?

Now we’re getting to the good part. We’ll go over the answers to your questionnaire and any other questions you might have. We know, we know… it feels redundant to ask you to write answers, and then repeat them on the phone or video call. But this is a crucial step because we want to hear your voice, and use that to match the tone on your website. That “match” is what resonates with your clients, and helps to provide them with a sense of trust in your work. 

Research, research, and more research

This is where the magic happens. A copywriter’s role involves more than just creating a website to show-off your business (although it deserves to be celebrated). It’s about being “searchable” and recognized as a thought leader in your industry. And while you may know how to explain perfectly what you do, it may be hard to put it down on paper. 

It’s our job to show the world how awesome you are, while also presenting your unique perspective. Our approach includes gathering and incorporating client testimonials, playing with existing copy, and word mapping to develop a new tagline. Then we start writing the more direct content — including details on your process and packages — before getting to the more complex themes, which typically include your Services page(s) and Home page. Each page is crafted with search engine optimization (SEO) in mind. Meta data, like title tags and meta descriptions, are included with every website page or blog that we write.

We like honest feedback 

...and here’s when we pass the baton for the first iteration. Your opinion matters. Why? Because this is your website, and it should reflect the goals you have for your business. You’ll have through the end of our project to request as many revisions as you’d like. Unlike most copywriters, we include an unlimited number of revisions with our copywriting packages because we want to make sure you’re head-over-heels for every word. We’ll work together making those changes in the Google Doc or, if you’d rather talk through your ideas, we can discuss your changes on a phone call.


Hiring a Website Copywriter: Is It Worth It?

People make buying decisions with their heads and their hearts (especially when it comes to hiring a wedding vendor and other creative services). Your website needs to appeal to both.

The strategy behind your website is the head. Using client research, SEO, social proof, UX design and other tactics, we’ll get your clients to logically understand that you are the best choice for them.

The personality behind your website is the heart. Using storytelling, thought leadership and boatloads of personality, we’ll get your clientele to feel connected to you.

Combined, those two elements will bring the right clients from the casual-window-shopper phase to the I-can’t-live-without-you-let’s-sign-that-contract phase. That is the value that hiring a professional copywriter offers.

Is it an investment? Absolutely.

Will it last you several years? Totally.

Are we the right copywriters for your creative, service-based business? Hell yes!


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