“I” vs “We” on Small Business Websites

Nearly every solopreneur is faced with this question at some point in their business journey: what point of view should I use on my website?

There's no right answer, unfortunately. (Or maybe "fortunately"? You get to write your own rules!)⁠ You have two options: the first-person point of view, stated using “I” and “me,” or the third-person point of view, made clear through the use of “we” and “us.”

The pros to using I/me in your writing are: ⁠

  • It can be easier to write and feel more comfortable to read because your copy is person-to-person instead of brand-to-person. ⁠

  • Clients get to know you and trust you way sooner. ⁠

  • It can feel more authentic if you're truly a one-person show. ⁠

The pros to saying we/us in your marketing (even if you don't have a team) are:⁠

  • It can feel more professional because you're talking about a brand instead of yourself. ⁠

  • You're setting yourself up to grow a team (and won't need to adjust your copy once you scale). ⁠

  • Your clients might trust you more because you appear to be more established. ⁠

No matter what you choose, there is no “wrong” answer. Though, if you want our professional opinions, we always recommend erring on the side of authenticity and reflecting what’s really going on in your business.


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