How to land a sales call

Photos by Madison Krupp Photography

Let's talk about sales calls. (What, you think website copywriting has nothing to do with phone convos? Think again.)

The benefit of being a good writer (or having good writers like us on your team) is that you can prepare a script for your sales calls so you're always putting your best foot forward when you talk with prospective clients. 

We’re not saying you should have every word of the conversation mapped out. But you should have a script for a few key areas: 

  • your services and what's included

  • your background and a bit about you

  • your process and behind-the-scenes tidbits

  • the value of your services

  • responses to common objections

The biggest objection to hiring you? Money. Sigh. No matter who you are or what you do, it's always about money, isn't it?!

So take the time now to prepare a brief script in response to your next prospect who says the dreaded: 

  • “I'm not sure if we can afford that.”

  • “That's a little more than we were expecting. Maybe we'll just DIY it instead.”

  • “Oh. That's much higher than other vendors we've talked to.”

How to Respond to Price Objections

 Here’s how we’d respond, if we got a price objection on a sales call:

"I know you're spending a lot of money right now, and it can be overwhelming. If I can offer you any advice as you make these decisions, it's to remember that every transaction is a time vs. money exchange. 

If you don't have the money, you have to spend the time. If you don't have the time, you have to spend the money. 

Just don't forget that time is the only non-renewable resource. Once spent, you'll never get it back." 

Then, explain how your service saves them time. (Maybe your service itself will save them time; maybe your industry connections will save them time; maybe it's your credentials and experience that will save them time knowing they won't have to find a replacement or solve a problem at the 11th hour.) 

BOOM. Mic drop moment.  

This script isn't fool proof — we won't guarantee that every single lead who hears it will book with you. But because you approached the conversation with confidence and professionalism, shared a logical way to make the decision, and provided a compelling argument as to why your service is valuable, we think you'll experience a high success rate. We certainly have.


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