Where to Address Coronavirus on Your Website

Where do I write about coronavirus on my website?

Your website is an evergreen resource, meaning it lasts for a long time. This is why professional copywriting is such an investment: your website is designed to convey the value in working with you as a creative service provider and compel clients to book with you. 

Though it’s a big deal in the world right now, coronavirus is not an evergreen topic. In a few years, your COVID-19 policies won’t be relevant. For this reason, we suggest you keep your evergreen website content the same and use other areas of your website to communicate any changes due to COVID-19. 

Instead of updating your website pages, here’s where you should write about coronavirus: 

  • On your blog. Blogs are designed to house timely content, making it the perfect place to write about your coronavirus policies. 

  • On a new, stand-alone page.

  • On your frequently asked questions page.

Once you’ve published information on your coronavirus policies, you can alert people to the new link the following ways:

  • Create a banner or pop-up interstitial

  • Send out a blast to your entire email list

  • Add the link to your email signature

  • Add the link to the footer of your website

  • Update your Instagram links page or LinkTree 


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