Why Your Website Needs an About Page

Your creative business is yielding some good results, but maybe in your heart of hearts you know it could be doing more for you (that’s its job, after all!). If you want to take your service business website from good to great, bring in more leads, and actually build some meaningful relationships with your clients, you’ve got to take your website a step further.

The perfect place to do that is your About page. Don’t have one? First step, you need to create one.

Do have one? Our guess is it could still use some tweaks. Is it human enough — does it read as a genuine conversation between you and the lead? Does it really show off who you really are?

Why Are About Pages Important for online Businesses?

We already shared the seven key ingredients every About page needs:

  1. Your personality

  2. Credentials

  3. Information about the business

  4. What it’s like working with you

  5. Testimonials 

  6. A photo of you

  7. Call to action

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. But why are these important?” you may be asking yourself.

Each ingredient has its own significance (read that blog to get hit with some knowledge) but the real squeeze to having a killer About page is that it creates a level of trust between you and your clients. Just like your Home page (and an in-person meeting), the About page should represent the impression you want to leave with a prospect who comes to your site. It should be so dang good that it educates, entices, and encourages the reader to want to work with you and know more about you.

People want to work with people, not companies. 

So here comes the kick in the pants that you may not want to hear: you need an About page on your website. A blurb in the footer isn’t enough. A blurb on the Home page isn’t enough. Copy that tells us how much you love Friends reruns and margaritas isn’t enough.

The Art vs. Science of Writing an About Page

Copywriting is an art and a science. We’ve already given you the science part (remember those seven ingredients?). The art half is a bit more elusive. If you’ve got the “art” piece down, your clients will leave your website with a feeling. A “gut reaction” to you. Without those emotions and desires to learn more, your page is just full of empty words.

As website copywriters, it’s our job to foster that connection by integrating your special flair into your content. And while we can teach you the science behind writing an effective and crafty About page, we can't teach you the art. The hard truth is that you’ve either got it, or you don’t.

If you’re one of the many people who doesn’t have the “art” piece (no shame!), you’re going to need to get help from someone who does. And that’s where Bigmouth Copy comes in. We’ll woo your clients in a way that’s authentic, strategic and personality-packed.


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