Balancing Your Baby and Business

by Linda Chase of Able Hire

Image via Pexels.

Starting a business and welcoming a baby are two significant life events, and when they happen simultaneously, require a great deal of forethought and pre-planning. Your best bet is to get all of your business fundamentals in place and functioning before your baby makes its arrival. Here are some helpful tips.

Establish Your Company

While not always possible to time, it’s ideal to have the main elements of your company operational before welcoming your baby. This starts with developing a business and marketing strategy, deciding your corporate structure, getting a business website and social media presence established and being assigned an EIN, or tax ID number to identify your business. This is how the IRS tracks payroll taxes, and having one also makes it easier when you file your taxes, whether you do that annually or quarterly. 

Your marketing strategy should include creating a user-friendly website, promoting your services and products on social media, and optimizing your site with SEO. You can also make your own business cards using a free online card maker. Select a predesigned template and add your own text, logo, background, and coloring.

You’ll also want to make a determination about your workspace and what you need to outfit it appropriately, and if you're utilizing staffers or freelancers, advertise, interview, hire, and train those individuals before your baby arrives. If you’re working from home, promote relaxation and focus by decluttering and introducing some indoor plants.

Planning for Your Baby

Of course, a new baby needs a number of things, from a pediatrician to reliable childcare, and of course, you'll want to be able to successfully combine mothering with your business venture. According to Very Well Family, time management will play a big role.

It's wise to identify appropriate child care assistance in advance, and also set up space for your baby in your work area, whether that's an office or in your home. That's a wise way to ensure you're able to stay close to your baby while still focusing on business needs. There are a number of different time management apps that can help ensure you’re using every minute wisely.

Develop Routines

Babies thrive on routines, and in a similar way, businesses thrive on routines as well. Set regular staff, client, and vendor business meetings and work those around your child's schedule to the greatest extent possible. Try to have regular start and stop times for your day. If you know there are certain hours when your child will need you - like before and after feedings or nap times -  Parents recommends making sure you have those covered or taken into consideration when you're planning your business schedule. 

Of course, both businesses and babies are a bit unpredictable, so you'll need to get comfortable with the concept of flexibility and being able to pivot as necessary to ensure no balls are dropped.

Use Resources

Use all the resources at your disposal. This might include having a video baby cam when you have a nanny in the house watching your child, downloading first aid medication and other infant-focused apps on your phone, or utilizing a virtual assistant who can field calls when you're unable to take them. This will allow you to project a professional image even when you aren’t available. 

It's also very helpful if you have family, friends, or a partner who can help relieve some of the burden, particularly in the early days. This will allow you to focus on your child when you're with your child and on your business when you're with your business.

Having a new baby and having a new business can stress your personal resources, particularly with regard to your overall health and well-being. Self-care will be essential, and that includes eating well, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep. Anything on your “to-do” list that's not an absolute necessity should go by the wayside until you're in a comfortable routine with your child and your business. 

If you’re working in the wedding industry, the skilled wedding business copywriters at Lemon Tree Editorial can write unique and persuasive content for your business!


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