What is Inclusive Language?

What is inclusive language?

Inclusive language is the written and spoken word that acknowledge and respect human diversity. By using inclusive language on your website, you’re telling your audience indirectly that you respect and value their uniqueness. 

Inclusive language is incredibly important in the wedding industry because weddings and marriages can be divisive. They are deeply tied with religion and culture, and certain decisions or factors can cause controversy. 

Here are some groups that are often marginalized or left unrepresented in the wedding industry: 

  • People of color

  • Interracial relationships

  • LGBTQ relationships

  • Interfaith relationships

  • Jewish relationships

  • Hindu relationships

  • Buddhist relationships

  • Muslim relationships

  • Plus size relationships

  • Older relationships

  • Clients with children

  • Second marriages

  • Polyamorous relationships

As a wedding vendor, you can let these types of couples know that you welcome them by using inclusive language on your website. Using inclusive imagery and accessible website design is also key to making these clients feel wanted. 


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